Sandra J Guillory

How to Do Away With Sweet Taste That Can Have Bitter Consequences

Sugar is sweet and very tempting. Nobody likes bitter or sour taste. Many foods are made in a way that instead of them being healthy they are sugary. These attracts many and without realizing it, the sugar levels in blood increase and so does the weight and the associated diseases like diabetes and associated complications like cardiac failure hypertension stroke and some cancers. However, the following are some few pointers that can help you reduce the sugar levels in the body.

•    Slow process

It is very hard to rapidly withdraw from something that one has been used to. This slow process needs patience and determination. You do not have to completely stop taking sugar or any sugary foods. Withdraw from sugar slowly. Start by reducing the spoonfuls of sugar you take in your tea. Apply this concept every dayand on all the other sugary foods that you can across. Putting a sudden stop to sugar intake can cause more harm than good in the body.

Half content

Another effective way of controlling the amount of sugar intake is by going half on all the sugary foods. This merely implies that for instance, when you feel like taking yoghurt, mix half-plain yoghurt with half-sugary yoghurt. If you keep doing this on a regular basis, you will have good results when you check in at the health clinic for blood sugar, colon conditions and other health aspects.

•    Be principled even at home

When you open the refrigerators of most people, there is a very high probability that most of the items in there are sugary items. When one is thirsty, they will rush for sugary drinks instead of water. Be principled and decide to take these drinks only at particular times of the day. At home, make it a policy that the sugary foods will be taken on specific days and at specific amounts. If possible, reduce the number of sugars at home. Stick to these principles and enjoy a healthy life.

•    Choose an alternative

In case you are struggling getting rid of sugar levels from your diet you can consider bitter and sour products. This way you will be in a position of controlling the sugar levels in the body. Lemons and pepper can help a great deal in reducing the level of sugar consumed by the body. The more you adhere to a diet that serves bitter or sour foods the body will be able to adjust to the right sugar levels.

•    Consume enough water

The body is made up of 70% liquids. Therefore, it is important to ensure you are taking at least 8-ounce glasses of pure water. You will discover the more you consume pure water the less cravings you will have for sugar. Furthermore, water helps to filter excessive sugar in the blood. Pure water is an important mild colon cleanser reviews, you can consider taking it in the morning to fight the urge for consuming lots of sugar.